About Us :

Dash Design sets up its footing in 2013 in the world of interior designing, renovation and refurbishment from Bandar Manjalara, Kepong. ‮‮‮‮‮‮

We bring you in vogue concept design injecting custom furniture and furnishing intro your buildings' interior and exteriors' associating with its background .

We are here alongside our valued client to provide consultation and advisory of the best suited interior and exterior design for office, commercial outlets, restaurant or F&B outlets, home and other types of building. 

Infusing and instilling certain architecture composition in consonance with our clients' preference with elements from our professional advice, we are honoured that we have beautified a host of home and offices , delighting out clients.


New Classic style room design

Because the hostess is designed for the needs of the room needs new classical style we add white wood line on the wall showing the classical style on the wall and then we color oil paint is too soft to do to make this pair of classical harmony and tone to render more walls, we chose classic furniture with white lace bed. simon chg 1

Office Concept design - Subang Empire

This is for a real estate office design. 
The design itself was inspired by the great city of New York as the city that never sleep, by creating the expressive elements of the "Grid" to represent the metropolis. 
The idea of the office design is to create an innovative and comfortable working space by do not compromising the urban lifestyles. view 3(2)

Alpro Pharmacy Concept deisgn

This our concept design for the Alpro Pharmacy Our main walking route is overall clean because the company needs to sell in order to allow billboard advertising has too many different font colors billboard so it looks a mess so we unified the billboards all font color adjustment parts store look more tidy.
At the clean white counter we added embellishment transparent orange acrylic partitions do the whole counter distinctive look view 1


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